Why filtering water?
There are different ways of obtaining drinking water: Tap water, boiled water, bottled water or water from purification systems. However, how do you know which is the best way to obtain safe an quality water?
Tap water: In Switzerland, the tap water is of high quality as long as it is under the control of the public water supply. As soon as it enters a building, the owner of the facility is responsible. Old pipes or building material may compromise the quality. In many other countries the tap water is treated with chlorine which negatively impacts the taste.
Boiled water: The bacteria and germs are killed by boiling the water. Other substances such as chlorine, VOC’s (volatile organic compounds), micro particles or heavy metals stay in the water
Bottled water: There are big differences for bottled water. Mineral water has to be sourced in the specifically named natural source and is not allowed to be treated. For transportation of the mineral water from the place of sourcing in to the world, a lot of energy is needed. In many countries, the bottled water is actually distilled or filtered water and it is difficult to assess the quality. Besides this, bottled water generates a lot of waste which often isn’t disposed properly causes serious environmental problems as the plastic bottles pollute soil and water. Also keep in mind that the heavy water bottles have to be carried from the supermarket to home and you have to ensure never running out of stock.
Filtered water: Activated carbon is the oldest means of water purification. It is the most effective and reliable method in the market to reduce common but harmful contaminants such as chlorine, VOC’s, pesticides or herbicides. In combination with microfiltration (against micro particles and bacteria) filtered water provides high safety and quality. Besides this, the healthy minerals stay in the water.